song from around 2011. music video black and white for the 70s. dancing Blonde man in a suit.

I'm looking for a song/music video


Dear friends help! lately a song has been running through my head but I can't for the hell of it remember it! I heard the song in 2011, or even saw it, because I remember unfortunately more the image than the words or the melody. In the video there was some tall, skinny blonde guy in a suit. the whole video and i think the song was in the 70s convention. i think there were some mirrors in the background. The guest had a "pulled" face, so to speak, and danced in a rather original way, singing to a microphone hanging from above. It seems to me that he was even EXTREMELY - maybe even slightly "overdriven". I can't get a single word of the lyrics (English, of course) out of my head. I know it's not much but if someone.... something... then I would be very grateful!!!

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