Music video description

20 Fingers is a musical group that rose to fame in the musical 1990s with their hits such as "Mr. Personality" and "Lick It." Their best-known song is the hit "Short Dick Man" presented in this post, which comes from their debut album "On the Attack and More." The song has won a number of awards, including Gold and Platinum status in many countries, and has topped the charts in many countries. The hit song "Short Dick Man" was released in 1994. The music and lyrics are full of energy and fast pace, and the music video is full of colorful images and funny scenes. The music video was directed by David Nessim Lawrence and was aired on many TV stations. The song has won many awards, including Gold and Platinum status in many countries, and topped the charts in many countries. The song was also nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best Dance Song category. It is interesting to note that the music video for "Short Dick Man" was shot in one day and was aired within a few weeks. The song became one of 20 Fingers 's best-known songs and is still one of the biggest hits of the 1990s.

Last edited: 19-09-2023