Music video description

The song "Without You" performed by Mariah Carey is probably known to all of us. However, few people know the history of this song, so in this post I will try to bring you a little closer, this interesting and at the same time sad subject. This song was written in 1970 and its authors were Pete Ham and Tom Evans, who were members of the band Badfinger. And it was this band that was the first to perform this song in 1970 and included it on their album entitled "No Dice". The song was originally to be titled "If It's Love" only later the title was changed to "Without You". In the early 1970s, the band members were living together in a London house. One evening, moments before Pete Ham was to go out with his girlfriend for dinner together, Tom Evans stopped them and said he had a great idea for a new song. Pete initially declined with the words that "Not tonight because he had already promised his girlfriend to go out together." However, she quickly replied to them that "no problem you can go record." Pete then replied that "Your lips are smiling, but your eyes are sad..." and reluctantly but nevertheless agreed to go with Tom. Thus began the creation of one of the most beautiful ballads in history. It was on this evening that the first words of the song were written "Well I can't forget tomorrow, when I think of all my sorrow, I had you there but then I let you go, and now it's only fair that I should let you know .... if it's love." Evans' love adventures at the time had a big influence on the lyrics of this song because at the time of writing this hit he was going through quite a breakup with his girlfriend so he started singing that he couldn't live without her. As they both confessed later, they did not expect that the song had such potential and would become such a hit. Therefore, when it became clear that a song needed to be shortened in order for everything to go into their planned new album, it was the song "Without You" that they chose to shorten. What's more, the song wasn't even released as a single either in Europe or North America. At the end of this whole story the saddest information, well, both authors of this timeless song committed suicide. The reason for such a step was the legal and financial problems related to this very hit song. The former Pete hanged himself in his garage in 1975 just 3 days before his 28th birthday. Tom, on the other hand, hanged himself in 1983 when he was 36 years old. And to think that it happened because of a song.... To this day, the hit "Without You" is considered one of the most beautiful songs in the world and nearly 200 other artists have written their versions of the song. And among them were such stars as mentioned in the introduction Mariah Carey, Harry Nilsson. While I in this post would like to introduce you to the mentioned original version of this song, I invite you to Badfinger - Without You.

Last edited: 16-07-2023