Music video description

"Historia Jednej Znajomości" is a song by Czerwone Gitar, released in the mid-1960s. The band was formed in 1965 and very quickly enthralled teenage Poland, becoming known as the native Beatlesów. Seweryn Krajewski - The vocalist of the group resembled somewhat Paula McCartneya, and Krzysztof Klenczon (vocalist and guitarist) even physically resembled Johna Lennona.

The music for the song "History of One Acquaintance" was written by the aforementioned Krzysztof Klenczon, while the lyrics were written by Jerzy Kossela, another member of the band. The song is kept in the style of Lennon's ballads. One can clearly feel the inspiration of such songs by The Beatles as "If I Feel" and "It's Only Love." The song was included on the band's debut analog album titled "This Is Us" in December 1966. The album sold more than 160,000 copies and launched the band's long career. Exactly 30 years later, a cover of the song "History of One Acquaintance" was included on the band's second album Myslovitz "Sun Machine."

Last edited: 16-07-2023