Music video description

Zehn kleine Jägermeister is a hit song by German punk rock band Die Toten Hosen. The song is the fourth single from their album Opium furs Volk, released in 1996. The song is a parody of the song Zehn kleine Negerlein, which tells the story of how out of ten "little negroes" only one survived. It is also said to refer to a German board game.

Ralf Schmerberg is responsible for directing the music video for Zehn kleine Jägermeister. The image is created from animated illustrations for adults by Andreas Hykade. The video is a commentary on the text and is divided into sections. In the first, the group performs a dance routine on stage, while in the following sections various situations occur, ending with the death of one of the group members. At the end, only one survivor remains, who invites ten new ones to "play." The video was censored by Germany's MTV, as it features drugs, nudity and realistic-looking weapons.

Last edited: 19-01-2024