Music video description

In reviews of the site I was asked for songs by the Polish band from the 70s and 80s Dwa Plus One. Of course, I am fulfilling this request and so we start with a hit that you all know, but let's take it one step at a time.... This is a Polish band performing mainly pop and folk music. Among the band's 10 albums, there are as many as three gold records. One of the biggest and most famous hits of this group is the song Dwa Plus One - Iść W Stronę Słońca.

Lyrics of the song Dwa Plus One - Go Toward the Sun :

Go, keep going towards the sun
Towards the sun all the way to the horizon
Go on and on and on
To greet one just awakened day
To greet it again and again, like a hopeful sign
With the same confidence with which the first brightness sings the bird

To go on and on being on this journey
Which people mundanely call life
To go, still go as long as possible
Behind your back to have the approaching night
From the simplest words to compose your morning poem
In the colors of two once see what is invisible

Go, keep going, hit it right
In the sand-swept grass a trace
Be yourself be indivisible
Through the eyes of a child measure the world
Walk, still walk towards the sun
Toward the sun all the way to the horizon

Last edited: 16-07-2023