Music video description

"A Little Pain" is the ninth single by Olivia Lufkin, a Japanese j-rock singer. It was released on CD and CD & DVD on June 28, 2006, four years after her last single "Into the Stars." The song was recorded specifically for the anime series "Nana" and was used both in the series and as the first ending. Olivia's mother is Japanese and her father is American. Her sister, Caroline Lufkin, is also a singer. Olivia Lufkin is a j-pop/j-rock singer, and the album "Interial bleeding strawberry" shows the alternative side of her work. She draws inspiration from many musical currents, unafraid to experiment with voice and sound. She co-wrote the soundtrack for the anime "Nana." I invite you to listen to Olivia Lufkin's song "A Little Pain."

Last edited: 31-12-2023