Music video description

This is a children's song and also a children's game, certainly very old. If anyone does not remember how to play it here is a brief reminder: One of the children lies crouched down and pretends to be a sleeping bear. The rest of the children walk around the "bear" and repeat the words Old bear is sleeping hard, (they crouch down) old bear is sleeping hard. (they crouch) We are afraid of him, on tiptoe we walk, if he wakes up he will eat us, (they crouch) if he wakes up he will eat us. (they crouch) The first hour the bear sleeps, the second hour the bear snores, the third hour the bear catches!!! and at this time the bear wakes up and "throws himself" at the children. Children run away to avoid being caught by the bear. The child who is caught by the bear becomes a bear and the game begins again. You are welcome to play "Old Bear Sleeps Strong". PS can anyone help and say when the song was created exactly and who is the author? :)

Last edited: 16-07-2023