Music video description

"Redy To Go" is a single by the British music group Republica, dated April 15, 1996. The group was formed in 1994 and was active until 1998. Their biggest hit is actually "Redy To Go". The band consisted of Samantha "Saffron" Sprackling, Tim Dorney, Andy Todd, Johnny Male and David Barbarossa. Two versions of the music video were made: British and American. In the British version, the band's singer jumps on the roofs of buildings, and watching the video one gets the impression that it is meant to show the hidden beauty of London. In the American version, the singer jumps over a meadow near a road. The clip is very colorful and positive. I invite you to watch the American version of Republica's music video - Ready To Go.

Last edited: 16-07-2023