Music video description

"Have You Ever Seen The Rain" is a song by the rock band Creedence Caearwater Revival, which was written by John Fogetry in 1971. The song was featured on the album "Pendulum" and was most popular in Canada, where it reached number one on the RMP 100 singles chart, but was also eagerly listened to in the US (number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100) and the UK (number 36). The original hit "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" has been on Muzoland for almost 3 years, and today it was time to add another version of this well-known hit.

Rod Stewart recorded his version of this beautiful rock ballad in 2006. The song was included on the artist's album titled "Still the Same.... Great Rock Classics of Our Time," along with other covers of well-known hits.

Last edited: 16-07-2023