Music video description

And today's second track from the newer shelf this time by Norwegian electronic music playing duo Röyksopp. Personally, I really like the work of these gentlemen and the songs that come out of their fingers. I came across the song Röyksopp - You Don't Have a Clue while listening to their 2009 album titled "Junior." The song immediately caught my ear and I was able to listen to it over and over for several days. As a curiosity I can tell you that the name of the band in Polish means puffball, that is, the famous smoking mushroom, which gave so much fun when I was a kid.... The songs of this duo are loved by the creators of games, TV shows or commercials. Probably many times you have heard various songs of these artists without even realizing that they created them.... :) I recommend getting acquainted with their work, so far they have released 4 albums.

Last edited: 11-01-2024