Music video description

"Prócz Ciebie, Nic" is a song recorded by Krzysztof Kiljański and famous singer Kayah, which was released in 2004. Vocalist Katarzyna Szczot is the author of the lyrics, while Witold Cisło is responsible for the composition. The song was very popular, as evidenced by awards such as Superjedynka in the "Hit of the Year 2005" category and Fryderyk in the Song of the Year category.

The hit song "Prócz Ciebie, Nic" has lived to see many covers. It was taken to its artistic workshop by, among others: Robert Kudelki and Joanna Jabłczyńska, Olga Bończyk in a duet with Robert Rozmus, Włodzimierz Matuszak and Damian Surow with Emilia Lech. The song was also featured on the soundtrack to the films: "Only Love Me," "Go ahead, Say I Love!" and "SingStar." It can also be heard in the Polish TV series "M jak miłość", "Prawo Agaty" or "Magda M.".

Last edited: 25-01-2024