Music video description

The song "Wit Boy" is a track from the repertoire of Polish synthpop group Papa Dance (formerly also known as Papa Dance New Sound, Papa Dock, and now Papa D), which was included on the 1986 studio album titled "Below Criticism." Wojciech Filipowski is the author of the lyrics, while Adam Patoh is responsible for the composition.

Papa Dance is a band that was formed in 1984 on the initiative of music producers Slawomir Wesolowski and Mariusz Zabrodzki. In 1986, the band acquired a new name, Papa Dance New Sound, and was completed by Pawel Stasiak and Kostek Joriadis. The band's most popular song at the time was "Naj Story". The song won the 3rd prize at the Festival of Polish Song in Opole thanks to the viewers' vote. The song "Wit Boy" did not record such a spectacular success, but it is certainly one of the band's best-known hits.

Last edited: 16-07-2023