Music video description

Sława Przybylska is a Polish singer born in Międzyrzec Podlaski in 1932. She started her artistic activity already in college, but it wasn't until 1957 that her bigger stage career began when she won first place in a national Polish Radio contest. A year later, quite a lot of fame brought her song Pamiętasz, Była Jesień. In today's update I would like to present you with another song by Ms. Slawa Przybylska entitled "Where Are the Flowers From Those Years". On this occasion, it is worth getting acquainted with the history of this song. Well, not everyone probably knows that the origins of this song go all the way back to 1955 when the initial verses were written by American artist Pete Seeger, additional verses in 1960 were written by Joe Hickerson. And so the song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" was born. In recent years, the song has been included in the world's list of top twenty political songs. The song has been translated into more than 30 different languages and, including Polish in the 1960s, it was done by Wanda Sieradzka. She was a Polish journalist, translator, poet, songwriter and television scriptwriter. In the Polish version, this song was included in her repertoire by Slava Przybylska, and it is on this song that I would like to present to you today. I invite you to watch and listen to the song Sława Przybylska - Gdzie Są Kwiaty Z Tamtych Lat.

Last edited: 16-07-2023