Music video description

"Zielono Mi" is a song that is admittedly from the repertoire of Andrzej Dabrowski, but has also been performed by other artists. One of the most cherished and well-known versions is that of Andrzej Zaucha. The song was composed by Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski, and the author of the lyrics is poet Agnieszka Osiecka. The song tells the story of a man who feels an overwhelming peace thanks to the presence of his beloved woman. Repeating the title "green to me," he states that despite all the evil that occurs in the world, love makes everything make sense. A man who loves is able to regain balance and serenity even when the situation seems difficult or hopeless. The music video for the song "Zielono Mi" performed by Andrzej Zaucha was made in 1991.

Last edited: 04-08-2023