Music video description

Andrzej Zaucha is a Polish artist and musician, singer, percussionist and alto saxophonist. He is also known as an actor for his role as Pan Twardowski from the musical of the same name. In the early 1990s he also tried his hand as a cabaret artist and, together with Krzysztof Piasecki and Andrzej Sikorowski, created the "Sami" cabaret. Unfortunately, a short while later, on October 10, 1991 to be exact, just after performing in the aforementioned play "Mr. Twardowski," he was shot dead in front of the STU Theater in Cracow. His friend Zuzanna Lesniak-Goulais, with whom he played in the play together, was killed along with him. Nine shots were fired by the actress's jealous husband, unfortunately they proved fatal. One of his greatest hits is the song Andrzej Zaucha - Byłaś Serca Biciem, and it is this song that I would like to present to you today. This song was first sung by Andrzej Zaucha at the KFPP in Opole in 1988, and he won an honorable mention at the festival for this very song. At the very end, it is also worth adding that since 2009 there is an annual festival Serca Bicie dedicated to the memory of the musician. This festival is held annually in Bydgoszcz and its purpose is to promote and support young artists so that they can polish their skills under the guidance of experienced coaches during workshops and concerts. You are invited to the song "You were the Heartbeat."

Last edited: 16-07-2023