Music video description

The song "Run to You" is a track from the repertoire of Canadian singer Bryan Adams, which was released in 1984 as the fourth single from his studio album "Reckless." The song's lyrics deal with infidelity, and the story is told from the perspective of a man who declares that nothing will stop him from fighting for his lover's heart. In the video, directed by Steve Barron, the artist is accompanied by a guitar, which personifies the object of his desire.

"Run to You" debuted at number six on the Billboard Hot 100 list, and the song also topped the Billboard Top Rock Tracks list, and very quickly gained gold status in Canada. There is no denying that the hit song "Run to You" is one of Adams' most popular songs. It was the first song in the artist's career to reach number one on the prestigious Billboard magazine list. It enjoyed immense popularity throughout Europe.

The video for the song "Run to You" was nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards in 1985 in as many as five categories: best direction, best special effects, best art direction, best editing and best cinematography. The song ultimately won no statuette, unfortunately, although such a large number of nominations is impressive and has not been repeated for any other Bryan Adams song.

Last edited: 16-07-2023