Music video description

The song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is one of American singer Billy Joel's biggest hits, although he himself is quite critical of the song. He was not satisfied with the music itself, according to him, considering the melody itself it is not very musical and actually sounds like a drill at the dentist. In addition, it was a nightmare to sing this song at concerts, because it is easy to get the lyrics wrong or forget individual words. One the song was created and it turned out to be quite a big hit around the world and in her native United States it reached the top of the charts including occupying the first place on the "US Billboard Hot 100" list. As if that wasn't enough, the song was nominated for Grammy awards as best song of the year. As was the case with the song Genesis - I Can't Dance, the artists' opinions about their songs are completely at odds with what the listeners and viewers of these songs think about these songs. At the end of this post, it is worth mentioning a little more about the history of the creation of the song itself. Billy Joel came up with the idea for the song after he turned 40. During one of his visits to the recording studio, he started a conversation with a boy almost half his age. During the conversation, the 21-year-old said that there are currently hard times for people his age. Billy got into a discussion and stated that he thought the same thing when he was his interviewee's age because of the Vietnam War, the drug problems at the time, the Korean War, the Suez Crisis and the world in general was not looking too good. The whole conversation gave rise to a song that can confidently be considered one of the artist's biggest hits. Joel had no problem writing the lyrics of the song, this one was even written first before the music, which was unusual for this artist. The reason for this was that, as he says about himself, he is a bookworm and history nut. He got his love for books from his mother and "devoured" them in huge quantities and at one point in his life he even wanted to be a history teacher. Ultimately, the song tells the story of the most important events and people over the 40 years from 1949 to 1989. That is, from the year the artist was born to the year the song was written. With that, I'll end telling the story about the song and invite you to watch the Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire music video itself.

Last edited: 16-07-2023