Music video description

"Hasta Mañana" is a song by Swedish pop group ABBA that was originally intended to be performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974. Waterloo, which was the band's alternative for this musical event, seemed less similar in style to the songs that had been successful in previous years. Ballad seemed a better choice, but in the end ABBA decided on the song Waterloo due to the fact that in the hit song "Hasta Mañana" the main and only vocalist was Flatskog, which could have given the wrong impression to the world about the essence of the band's artistic activity...,

The original and working title of the song "Hasta Mañana" was "Who's Gonna Love You?". The lyrics were written by Stig Anderson during the Christmas holidays he spent in the Canary Islands. The song gained notoriety after it was aired on the popular TV show The Best of ABBA in March 1976 and reached the TOP 20 of Australia and Top 20 of New Zealand. Interestingly, the song also reached #2 on the charts in South Africa in 1974, where it remains popular to this day.

Last edited: 16-07-2023